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The Promise of Robotics: Driving Product development opportunities beyond hardware

Many of the innovations enabling advanced robotics capabilities comes from software, AI, and digital technologies.

Boston Engineering has established itself as a leader in robotics innovation across medical, defense, and industrial applications. Our team combines expertise in electromechanical design, software, hardware, and communications to create cutting-edge robotics solutions. As technology continues its rapid advance, Boston Engineering is at the forefront of developing the next generation of robotic systems..

Learn More about Boston Engineering Robotics Expertise

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Driving Product Development Through Robotics Innovation

While the physical form of robots tends to drive what people envision from the next generation of robotics, many of the innovations enabling advanced robotics capabilities comes from software, AI, and digital technologies. Medical, industrial, and defense robotics are accelerating innovation across these domains in numerous ways:

  • Advanced control systems and embedded software and hardware allow robots to balance, navigate, manipulate objects, and make decisions. Robots need complex algorithms and programming to move fluidly and take part in dynamic environments.
  • Machine learning and AI give robots the ability to improve through experience without explicit programming. As robots interact with the world, they get better at tasks like detecting objects, understanding natural language, making predictions, and more.
  • Computer vision powered by neural networks processes visual data to give robots situational awareness. This allows industrial robots to inspect products or defense robots to analyze battlefield environments.
  • Simulation software helps test robotic systems in virtual environments before real-world deployment. This is key for designing safe medical and defense robots.
  • Human-robot interaction software creates intuitive communication between robots and people. Voice controls, touchscreens, and hand gestures are making collaboration seamless.
  • Cybersecurity is critical for securing sensitive defense robots and protecting patient privacy for medical robots. Encryption, authentication, firewalls, and other protocols keep robotics secure.
  • Cloud robotics offloads processing and shares learning across multiple robots through cloud computing. This collective knowledge benefits all systems.
  • Design for manufacturability ensures that industrial and medical robots can be efficiently mass produced.
  • Mechanical engineering spans lightweight materials, power systems, actuators, and ergonomic design so robots can function reliably.


Practical Examples of Interdisciplinary Robotics Development

Medical: Investing in medical robotics leads to better treatment options, lower risks, and improved care.
Boston engineering is designing robotic systems to assist doctors and improve patient outcomes. For example, surgical robots can perform minimally invasive procedures with enhanced precision, resulting in shorter recovery times for patients. AI-powered remote monitoring devices can collect and analyze sensor data and provide diagnostics systems to inform doctors during robotics driven procedures.  

Defense: For defense applications, Boston Engineering is building advanced unmanned systems to perform a myriad of tasks currently performed by military personnel. Investing in defense robotics saves lives by
reducing the need for soldiers on dangerous missions. Our robotic systems can enter hazardous areas, collect reconnaissance, and even assist in battlefield assessment operation supported by the analysis capabilities developed through machine learning. 

Industry: Industrial robotics solutions boost efficiency, productivity, and safety across manufacturing, supply chain, construction, and other sectors, all of which result in optimized operations and higher profits. Most people are aware of warehousing and  fulfillment centers providing dramatic improvements in speed and accuracy by deploying robotics for inventory picking and packing. New investments have seen automated robotic crop monitoring that helps farmers detect disease early and maximize yields. Beyond these land based innovations, underwater ROVs repair pipelines and perform inspections without the risk of sending human divers. 

At Boston Engineering, our multidisciplinary teams are always pushing the boundaries of what's possible. We draw on our centers of excellence, our experience, and our commitment to innovation. Focusing on our mission drives us to pioneer new applications for robotics across healthcare, national security, manufacturing, and more. As technology progresses, Boston Engineering will remain at the leading edge of designing, engineering, and deploying the robotics capabilities of tomorrow.

Untitled design (14)Interested in Learning more about Robotics at Boston Engineering?

As with all our Centers of Excellence, Boston Engineering Robotics provide:

• Unparalleled experience, leadership, and strategy
• Focused research, development, and technology innovation
• Unique knowledge, expertise, and processes
• Optimized, streamlined, and efficient client centered solutions

Visit our Robotic Solutions page to Learn More

blank2-300x15Understanding the Importance of Strategic Robotic Solutions

Every business faces unique challenges, and every robotic investment requires unique development. One pathway to a successful transition is to start by considering the available Robotic Solutions tools in the context of the business need, the skills of the workforce, and the IT structure ready to support the changes required. Successful (and profitable) solution design  and integration is crucial, so make sure you have access to the knowledge and capabilities to make that happen. If you're unsure as to whether you or your team have those skills, your best option is to partner with a team that has this expertise and ensure your outcomes meet the potential of your project.  


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Ready to Begin your Robotics Solution Evaluation? 

Whether you’re looking to enhance your current team or outsource a solution to meet rising demands on your time, working with Boston Engineering robotic solutions experts is the right choice. Don't leave complex designs that rely on layers of integration to slow down your team, extend deadlines, or even worse: cause a project failure. Know you're going to get the results you want by working with an industry leader in development and deployment of high performance control  systems. 

Let's start the robotics solution conversation

No matter the challenge, our team possesses the expertise in the engineering disciplines and technologies you need to bring your vision to life. Impossible Challenge? Try Us.

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