Imagine the Impact

Weighing the Risks: The potential issues of Designing a New Product

Written by Robert Davis | Oct 8, 2024 3:53:46 PM

By understanding the high development costs, extended time to market, market uncertainty, resource allocation challenges, and potential for failure, companies can make more informed decisions and take proactive steps to mitigate these risks. 

Designing a new product offers opportunities for growth and innovation, however it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks.  This approach not only protects the company’s financial health but also enhances the likelihood of a successful and sustainable product launch. 

Here’s a closer look at the risks associated with designing a new product, along with examples, reasoning behind avoiding each path, and the financial impact of mitigating these negative outcomes. :

Read more below.

The focus and discipline of DFX is a powerful tool if used as part of a broader strategic approach to developing product/process differentiation, and a sustainable advantage against competition. Involve Design for X in Strategy. Once your team has determined the focus of your strategy, place the focus of design on developing competitive advantage. 

At Boston Engineering, DFX is a core part of creating values during our product development process. We focus on several key DFX areas that align with our expertise:

Learn more about Design for X (DFX) at Boston engineering: Boston Engineering Design for X


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1. High Development Costs 

Example: A consumer electronics company decides to design a new smart home device. The project involves extensive research and development, hiring specialized engineers, and procuring cutting-edge materials. The company quickly realizes that the costs are escalating beyond initial projections. 

Reasoning: High development costs can strain a company’s budget, especially if the project encounters unexpected challenges. For a small to mid-sized company, these expenses can deplete resources needed for other crucial operations, such as marketing or customer support. 

Financial Impact: By recognizing the potential for high development costs early on, a company can avoid overcommitting financially. This might involve setting strict budget limits, opting for incremental improvements rather than a completely new design, or securing additional funding before proceeding. Avoiding these high costs can preserve the company’s financial health and prevent a situation where the project becomes a financial burden, ultimately leading to a more sustainable business model. 

2. Extended Time to Market 

Example: A home appliance company begins designing an innovative vacuum cleaner with advanced AI capabilities. However, the complex technology requires significant time for development, testing, and certification. As a result, the product’s launch is delayed by over a year. 

Reasoning: Extended time to market can lead to missed opportunities, especially in fast-paced industries where competitors may introduce similar products first. A delayed launch also means delayed revenue, which can be detrimental if the company is relying on the new product for growth. 

Financial Impact: By assessing the risks of extended development timelines, a company can make more informed decisions. This might include setting realistic deadlines, simplifying the design to reduce development time, or prioritizing other projects with quicker turnaround times. Reducing time to market can result in earlier revenue generation, keeping the company competitive and financially stable. 

3. Market Uncertainty 

Example: A tech startup invests heavily in developing a new wearable fitness device with unique features. However, by the time the product is ready for launch, consumer interest in wearables has shifted, and the market is flooded with alternatives. 

Reasoning: Market uncertainty poses a significant risk when designing a new product. Consumer preferences can change rapidly, and a product that seemed promising during development may face tepid demand upon release. This can lead to poor sales and a failure to recoup development costs. 

Financial Impact: To mitigate the risk of market uncertainty, companies can conduct thorough market research, engage in consumer testing, and maintain flexibility in the product design to adapt to changing trends. By avoiding a misalignment with market demands, a company can protect its investment and increase the likelihood of a successful product launch. 

4. Resource Allocation 

Example: A software company allocates most of its development resources to a new, highly complex project, leaving existing products with minimal support. As a result, customers of the existing products experience declining service quality and increased bugs, leading to dissatisfaction and churn. 

Reasoning: Resource allocation is a critical consideration. Over-committing resources to a new product can compromise the quality of existing offerings and strain the company’s ability to maintain operations. This not only risks the success of the new product but also endangers the company’s current revenue streams. 

Financial Impact: By carefully evaluating resource allocation, a company can avoid overextending itself. This might involve balancing resources between new product development and existing product support, hiring additional personnel, or even postponing the new project until resources are adequately available. Proper resource management ensures that both new and existing products receive the attention they need, safeguarding the company’s overall financial stability. 

Interested in providing your product development team with DFX skills? Learn More about our Applied DFX process and development workshops.


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5. Potential for Failure 

Example: An automotive company launches a new electric vehicle model with groundbreaking features. However, due to unforeseen technical issues, the vehicle experiences widespread recalls, damaging the company’s reputation and leading to significant financial losses. 

Reasoning: The potential for failure is inherent in any new product development, especially when introducing innovative features. A product that fails to meet expectations can result in not only direct financial losses from recalls or rework but also long-term damage to the company’s brand and customer trust. 


While designing a new product offers opportunities for growth and innovation, it’s crucial to weigh the potential risks. By understanding the high development costs, extended time to market, market uncertainty, resource allocation challenges, and potential for failure, companies can make more informed decisions and take proactive steps to mitigate these risks. This approach not only protects the company’s financial health but also enhances the likelihood of a successful and sustainable product launch. 


New eBook Available Now! 

"Leveling Up Existing Products through DFX" 

-Download Insights from a DFX Subject Matter Expert- 


Developing successful new products from scratch is challenging enough, but what about improving on existing designs? 

In this eBook, we’ll dive into the real-world experiences of DFX subject matter expert John DePiano, exploring the common areas where existing product owners excel, as well as the key opportunities where targeted DFX support can drive major improvements.



 Understanding the Importance of a DFX approach

Applying Design for X (DFX) methodologies upfront in product development optimizes the entire lifecycle by improving manufacturability, testability, reliability, usability, and other critical characteristics. This avoids costly redesigns later on, facilitates high-quality products that satisfy customers, reduces manufacturing and service costs, and supports flexibility through modularity and platforms. The holistic perspective of DFX drives efficient, cost-effective delivery of successful products that provide competitive advantage. Investing in DFX early pays dividends across the entire product lifespan.

Do you offer training on DFX for engineering teams?

Education is critical to effectively implement DFX principles. We provide training tailored to your engineers’ roles and product lines. This includes overall DFX methodology, deep dives into specific disciplines like design for reliability or manufacturability, and practical application workshops. Our hands-on approach combines real-world examples and case studies with tutorials on leading DFX software tools. The goal is building organizational DFX expertise and establishing repeatable processes that endure beyond individual projects. Investing in DFX knowledge pays dividends across your entire product portfolio. 

Ready to Begin your next DFX Project? 

Whether you’ve created a new technology, or have an innovative way to use an existing solution, Boston Engineering will turn your ideas into reality.  Our experts and Industry Partners will enhance your current team or manage the entire Product Development Process from Market Analysis to Production. Don't leave complex projects or high visibility product launches to chance. Know you're going to get the results you want by working with industry leaders in design, development, and deployment of innovative products driven by Novel Engineering. Contact Boston Engineering Today to get started.

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Selecting a partner to help you complete your design project is a valuable option to reduce project duration and save money.    

The Boston Engineering product development system encompasses DFX to ensure a smooth product launch and success in the marketplace.  Boston Engineering has DFX knowledge and experience to address aspects and values of a product such as manufacturability, test, reliability, safety, serviceability, cost, and compliance with industry standards and government regulations.




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