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Resources and Skills required for the Engineering Phase of Product Commercialization

Evaluating your company's resources and skills across the engineering phases of product commercialization is vital for ensuring a successful journey from concept to market. 

By assessing the key considerations mentioned below, you can identify areas of strength and areas that may require additional support or investment. Additionally, recognizing any gaps in resources and capabilities at the beginning of the project will provide for a smoother process, leading to a successful product commercialization.

What is the Product Commercialization Process? 

Product commercialization refers to the process of introducing a new product or service into the market and making it available for sale to consumers. It involves all the activities and strategies that transform an idea, concept, or prototype into a marketable product. Commercialization is a crucial step in the product development cycle and involves various stages, including market research, product design and development, manufacturing, marketing, and sales.

Five key steps in the commercialization process:

  1. Marketing
  2. Technology
  3. Engineering
  4. Capitalizing
  5. Producing

Read more about Product Commercialization


Does Your Company Have the Resources and Skills for Successful Engineering Phase of Product Commercialization?

Product commercialization is a multifaceted process that requires expertise and resources across various engineering phases. From scouting for product development to test and validation, each phase plays a crucial role in bringing a product from concept to market. However, it's essential to assess whether your company possesses the necessary resources and skills to navigate these engineering phases successfully. In this blog post, we will explore the key considerations for evaluating your company's readiness and capabilities in executing the engineering phases of product commercialization, including Scouting for Product Development, Applied Research & Development, Conceptual Design, Feasibility Studies, Reverse Engineering, Product Development, Design for X, and Test and Validation.

Scouting for Product Development:

  • Does your company have dedicated personnel or teams responsible for scouting potential product ideas?
  • Are you equipped with market research capabilities to identify customer needs and market trends?
  • Do you have access to networks or partnerships that can provide innovative product ideas?

Applied Research & Development:

  • Does your company have a dedicated R&D team with expertise in relevant fields?
  • Do you possess the necessary equipment and facilities for conducting applied research?
  • Are you able to allocate sufficient time and financial resources to support R&D efforts?

 Conceptual Design:

  • Do you have experienced designers and engineers capable of translating product ideas into conceptual designs?
  • Are you equipped with design software and tools to facilitate the conceptual design process?
  • Can your company effectively collaborate across teams to ensure a comprehensive and technically feasible design?

Feasibility Studies:

  • Do you have access to experts who can conduct feasibility studies, considering technical, economic, and operational aspects?
  • Can your company allocate resources for conducting feasibility studies and implement any required changes based on the findings?
  • Are you familiar with regulatory and compliance requirements that may impact the feasibility of your product?

Reverse Engineering:

  • Do you have personnel with expertise in reverse engineering techniques and analysis?
  • Are you familiar with intellectual property laws and capable of conducting reverse engineering in an ethical and legal manner?
  • Do you have the necessary tools and technologies to support the reverse engineering process?

Product Development:

  • Can your company effectively manage complex projects, ensuring coordination and communication across multiple teams and stakeholders?
  • Do you possess the resources and capabilities to handle prototyping, materials sourcing, and manufacturing processes?
  • Can you allocate dedicated personnel and resources for quality control and iterative improvements during the product development phase?  

Design for X* (manufacturing, assembly, cost, reliability, etc.):

  • Are you equipped with knowledge of Design for X* principles to optimize product design for manufacturing, assembly, cost-effectiveness, and reliability?
  • Do you have experts who can collaborate with manufacturing teams to ensure seamless production and assembly processes?
  • Can you conduct thorough analyses and simulations to identify potential design improvements for enhanced performance and cost-efficiency?   

Test and Validation:

  • Do you have access to testing facilities and equipment necessary for comprehensive product testing?
  • Can your company adhere to regulatory and industry standards during the testing and validation process?
  • Do you possess the expertise to interpret test results accurately and implement necessary improvements?


While it's tempting to rely solely on internal resources and capabilities, working with experienced commercialization experts can offer a multitude of benefits that accelerate the commercialization process, control costs and timelines, and mitigate failure risks. Learn more about the value of product commercialization partnerships

Understanding the importance of the Product Commercialization Process

Overall, commercialization aims to bridge the gap between an innovative concept or technology and its successful introduction and adoption in the market. Commercializing a product or service requires a well-defined and systematic approach. By integrating the Product Commercialization Steps, businesses can effectively identify their target market, develop robust technology, transform concepts into tangible offerings, secure the necessary funding, and scale up production. Embracing each step and understanding its significance empowers businesses to navigate the complex commercialization process and increase their chances of achieving market success.



Ready to Begin your Product Commercialization Project? 

commercialization12Whether you’ve created a new technology, or have an innovative way to use an existing solution, Boston Engineering will turn your ideas into reality.  Our Commercialization experts and Industry Partners will enhance your current team or manage the entire Product Commercialization Process from Market Analysis to Production. Don't leave complex projects or high visibility product launches to chance. Know you're going to get the results you want by working with industry leaders in design, development, and deployment of innovative products driven by Novel Engineering. Contact Boston Engineering Today to get started.

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