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Potential Failure points during Commercialization's Technology Phase

Written by Robert Davis | Sep 3, 2023 6:00:40 PM
Refining the core technology that  underpins your product commercialization can fall prey to unforeseen failures. Review critical steps during this phase to ensure success and a competitive advantage.


Commercialization is a range of activities and specialized decisions that guide businesses in successfully bringing their innovative ideas, products, or technologies to market. Embracing these technology elements and strategies as an integral part of the commercialization process enhances the chances of developing successful products and gaining a competitive edge in the market.

What is the Product Commercialization Process? 

Product commercialization refers to the process of introducing a new product or service into the market and making it available for sale to consumers. It involves all the activities and strategies that transform an idea, concept, or prototype into a marketable product. Commercialization is a crucial step in the product development cycle and involves various stages, including market research, product design and development, manufacturing, marketing, and sales.

Five key steps in the commercialization process:

Read more about Product Commercialization

Product Commercialization: Key Technology elements and potential failure points

The technology phase of product commercialization is a critical stage where businesses navigate various processes and elements to drive innovation and achieve market success. However, this phase is not without its challenges, and potential failures can arise if certain risks are not effectively managed.

Market Intelligence: Market Intelligence involves gathering and analyzing relevant data and insights to gain a deep understanding of the market landscape and future trends. 

Market Intelligence & Foresighting Potential Failures include:

    • Inaccurate or insufficient market research leading to a misunderstanding of customer needs and preferences.
    • Failure to anticipate emerging market trends and dynamics, resulting in products that become outdated quickly.
    • Lack of timely and effective information gathering, leading to missed opportunities and poor decision-making.

Mitigating Market Intelligence & Foresighting Failures:

    • Invest in robust market research to gather accurate and up-to-date information about customer needs, preferences, and market trends.
    • Regularly monitor the market landscape, industry publications, and consumer insights to stay informed about emerging trends and changing customer demands.
    • Foster a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing within the organization to ensure timely dissemination of market intelligence.

Technology Scouting: Technology Scouting involves actively searching for and monitoring external technological advancements that can enhance a product or service. 

Technology Scouting/Monitoring/Roadmapping:Potential Failures include:

  • Inadequate scanning and evaluation of external technologies, leading to missed opportunities for innovation.
  • Overreliance on outdated or ineffective scouting methodologies, resulting in the failure to identify relevant technologies.
  • Lack of a strategic roadmap, leading to misalignment between technology adoption and business goals.

Mitigating Technology Scouting/Monitoring/Roadmapping:Potential Failures:

  • Establish a systematic and proactive technology scouting process that includes the evaluation of external technologies, potential partnerships, and research collaborations.
  • Leverage diverse sources, such as industry conferences, research publications, and innovation networks, to stay updated on technological advancements.
  • Develop a technology roadmap that aligns with the business strategy, ensuring a clear vision for technology adoption and integration.

Industry 4.0: Industry 4.0 Roadmapping specifically focuses on the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and automation into the manufacturing and operational processes. 

Industry 4.0 Roadmapping: Potential Failures include:

  • Insufficient understanding of the business's digital transformation needs, leading to suboptimal technology integration.
  • Inadequate planning and coordination between different departments and stakeholders, resulting in fragmented implementation.
  • Lack of employee training and buy-in, hindering the successful adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies.

Mitigating Industry 4.0 Roadmapping Potential Failures:

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of the business's digital transformation requirements and create a roadmap that aligns technology investments with strategic goals.
  • Foster collaboration and communication between departments to ensure a holistic and integrated implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies.
  • Provide training and support to employees to enhance their digital literacy and facilitate a smooth transition to new technologies.

Scouting for Ideation: Scouting for Ideation involves actively seeking innovative ideas, both internally and externally, to drive product development and improvement. 

Scouting for Ideation Potential Failures include:

  • Insufficient emphasis on ideation and innovation, resulting in a lack of novel product concepts.
  • Inadequate processes for capturing and evaluating internal and external ideas, leading to missed opportunities for creativity.
  • Failure to create an environment that encourages and rewards idea generation, stifling employee engagement and motivation.

Mitigating Scouting for Ideation Potential Failures:

  • Cultivate a culture of innovation within the organization by encouraging and incentivizing idea generation from all employees.
  • Establish a systematic process for capturing and evaluating ideas, including brainstorming sessions, suggestion boxes, and innovation challenges.
  • Collaborate with external innovation hubs, startups, and academic institutions to tap into a diverse range of ideas and perspectives.

Technology Advancement: Strategic Technology Advancement involves identifying and prioritizing key technology advancements that align with the company's long-term vision and goals. 

Strategic Technology Advancement Potential Failures include:

  • Overinvestment in irrelevant or immature technologies, resulting in wasted resources and missed opportunities for competitive advantage.
  • Failure to prioritize and evaluate technologies based on their alignment with business objectives and market demands.
  • Inadequate monitoring of technological advancements and industry trends, leading to a lack of responsiveness to market changes.

Mitigating Strategic Technology Advancement Potential Failures:

  • Conduct thorough evaluations of technologies based on their potential impact, scalability, and alignment with business objectives.
  • Regularly monitor technological advancements, industry trends, and competitor activities to stay responsive and proactive.
  • Foster collaboration between business and technology teams to ensure strategic technology investments that drive innovation and maintain competitiveness.

The technology phase of product commercialization plays a crucial role in transforming ideas into tangible offerings, and encompasses critical elements and strategies that help businesses stay ahead of the curve and maximize their chances of success. While it's tempting to rely solely on internal resources and capabilities, working with experienced commercialization experts can offer a multitude of benefits that accelerate the commercialization process, control costs and timelines, and mitigate failure risks. Learn more about the value of product commercialization partnerships

Understanding the importance of the Product Commercialization Process

Overall, commercialization aims to bridge the gap between an innovative concept or technology and its successful introduction and adoption in the market. Commercializing a product or service requires a well-defined and systematic approach. By integrating the Product Commercialization Steps, businesses can effectively identify their target market, develop robust technology, transform concepts into tangible offerings, secure the necessary funding, and scale up production. Embracing each step and understanding its significance empowers businesses to navigate the complex commercialization process and increase their chances of achieving market success.

Review all the impactful steps in the Product Commercialization Process


Ready to Begin your Product Commercialization Project? 

Whether you’ve created a new technology, or have an innovative way to use an existing solution, Boston Engineering will turn your ideas into reality.  Our Commercialization experts and Industry Partners will enhance your current team or manage the entire Product Commercialization Process from Market Analysis to Production. Don't leave complex projects or high visibility product launches to chance. Know you're going to get the results you want by working with industry leaders in design, development, and deployment of innovative products driven by Novel Engineering. Contact Boston Engineering Today to get started.

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