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Behind the Scenes: Boston Engineering's Role in Medical Device Innovation

Medical device innovation is at the heart of transforming healthcare, improving patient outcomes, and reducing the burden on the healthcare system. At Boston Engineering, we've been dedicated to this mission for almost three decades, designing, developing, and optimizing devices that save lives and enrich the quality of life. We invite you to explore the behind-the-scenes work that powers our commitment to medical device innovation. Below, we highlight specific case studies and success stories that showcase our role in revolutionizing healthcare.

Story 1: Improving Public Health with Affordable Disease Tests

Impetus: In 2018, Quidel®, a diagnostics maker, set out to Quidel-1024x735revolutionize at-home disease testing for common illnesses like the flu and Lyme disease. Little did they know that in early 2020, the world would be gripped by a global pandemic, drastically amplifying the need for rapid and accurate tests.

The Insightful Journey: Boston Engineering's partnership with Quidel was nothing short of a whirlwind. With determination and skill, we designed the product development kit in just 15 months. This rapid development empowered Quidel to secure emergency use authorization from the FDA for its QuickVue® COVID-19 test, capable of providing accurate results in a mere 10 minutes.

The Impactful Result: Quidel's QuickVue® became a lifesaving tool during the pandemic, enabling fast and reliable testing. To delve deeper into this remarkable journey, read the full case study here.

Story 2: The Robotic Revolution in Genomic Research

Impetus: In the world of genomics, research centers worldwide were searching for ways to expedite their manual processes. Boston Engineering took up the challenge to revolutionize the field.

MAGE Large High Quality-1The Insightful Journey: Our collaboration with a major university research center led to the creation of a cutting-edge robotic lab system. This system could simultaneously perform up to 50 different genome alterations, dramatically speeding up the process. It ran genome cycling operations efficiently, enabling researchers to generate billions of mutant genomes daily.

The Impactful Result: This robotic innovation significantly accelerated genomics research and opened doors to innovation in various industries. For the full story behind this groundbreaking journey, visit the complete case study here.

Story 3: The "iPhone of Infusion Pumps" for Medication Safety

Impetus: Medication errors were a persistent challenge in healthcare, leading a visionary medical device startup to dream of a solution.

The Insightful Journey: The founders of this startup entrusted Imagine a medical device that prevents lethal medication errorsBoston Engineering to turn their vision into reality. We embarked on a four-phase product development journey that involved collaboration with clinicians and extensive stress testing. The result was a prototype for an infusion pump that was akin to an "iPhone of infusion pumps."

The Impactful Result: This prototype secured $10 million in venture capital funding and is currently navigating the FDA approval process. Once approved, it promises to revolutionize patient safety and care quality. Dive deeper into this remarkable journey by reading the full case study here.

Coffee Talk Current Trends in Medical Device Development (1)-1

These are just a few of the captivating stories that unfold behind the scenes at Boston Engineering. Our mission is to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation, making healthcare safer and more efficient, one breakthrough at a time. Each story is a testament to our dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence. To explore the full details of these journeys and more, we invite you to visit our Insights page. Together with our partners, we're weaving a brighter and healthier future for all through medical innovation.

Ready to learn more?Contact Us Today

For almost three decades, Boston Engineering has designed, developed, and optimized devices and technologies the medical community relies on to save lives, enrich quality of life, and reduce costs to the healthcare system. We provide solutions to the challenges in the adoption of surgical robotics. 

Our expertise includes industrial design and product redesign, sensors and control systems, robotics technical innovation, and digital software solutions


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