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Evolution of Engineering Consulting: From Outsourcing to Strategic Partnership

2024 Technology Outlook front coverThis article is an excerpt from the Boston Engineering 2024 Technology Outlook. For a copy of this article and the complete publication, visit the 2024 Technology Outlook digital download page. 

In the very early days of Boston Engineering, consulting was considered “outsourcing”, and was met with skepticism and hesitation. It was considered a bad word, a practice frowned upon by many companies who preferred to keep all aspects of their operations in-house. 

However, as time progressed, so did the perception of “outsourcing”, transforming from a 
reactive decision to a strategic initiative: creating partnerships that bring long-term benefits to 

Today, the decision to foster strategic collaborations with specialty firms has redefined the landscape of engineering consultancy, and enabled impacts across industries that may not have occurred without such partnerships.

The Shift to Strategic Partnership 

At the outset, clients were resistant to the idea of hiring engineering consultants, perceiving it as a compromise on control and quality. Boston Engineering challenged this notion, highlighting the subtle outsourcing that already existed in most businesses in the 1990’s. The analogy of using ADP for payroll services struck a chord - a critical function outsourced for 
efficiency. Fast forward to the present day, and the concept of outsourcing has 
evolved into a strategic partnership. 

One key transformation lies in how clients now view strategic partnerships as a means to access specialized capabilities or talents that they either lack or choose not to invest in long-term. An illustrative early example was Boston Engineering’s development of a cutting-edge
industrial manufacturer.  

By leveraging Boston Engineering’s embedded computing and digital signal processing expertise, the client innovated beyond their existing technical reach, creating a high-tech product that was well within their capabilities to sell, manufacture, and support. 


Embrace the future trends that are shaping a new era of engineering excellence.

The 2024 Technology Outlook from Boston Engineering offers an insightful glimpse into trends and innovations on the horizon. Spanning artificial intelligence, robotics, additive manufacturing, and more, this collection of articles provides key takeaways for those looking to stay ahead of the technology curve.

Download for groundbreaking insights!

Strategic Partnerships for Immediate and Long-Term Gains 

Today, the most successful clients choose Boston Engineering for strategic partnerships that offer both immediate and long-term advantages. In instances where a company lacks a particular capability or talent, and it is not within their strategic vision to develop it internally, Boston Engineering becomes the bridge. An exemplary case is a global brand, 
which had no product development engineers when they engaged Boston Engineering for 
the development of their electronic cigarette. 

Three years later, they not only had a successful product in the market but had built an internal team of hundreds of product development engineers. 


As the engineering landscape continues to evolve, Boston Engineering is committed to proactively integrating cutting-edge technologies and methodologies into the solutions it delivers, ensuring that clients stay at the forefront of industry trends and maintain a competitive edge in 2024 and beyond.


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For almost three decades, Boston Engineering has designed, developed, and optimized devices and technologies the medical community relies on to save lives, enrich quality of life, and reduce costs to the healthcare system. We provide solutions to the challenges in the adoption of surgical robotics. 

Our expertise includes industrial design and product redesign, sensors and control systems, robotics technical innovation, and digital software solutions


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